All students at Laureate Academy must wear the Academy uniform. This reflects our values as a school and reinforces the school’s culture of high expectations. Our uniform helps to promote a strong and cohesive school identity which helps us to support high standards in all areas of school life.
The Laureate Academy uniform must be smartly worn at all times by students throughout the school day and on the way to and from the Academy. For further information, please review our Uniform Policy. Students arriving on-site without the correct uniform will be loaned uniform for the day. More details can be found in our Behaviour Policy.
Year 7 Starters September 2025:
A Free Uniform Bundle will be given to all Year 7 starters joining us in September 2025.
This will include a free:
- Academy Bag
- Academy Blazer
- Academy Tie
- Academy Polo Shirt
The rest of the uniform required is outlined in our Uniform Guide (bottom of the page).
In-Year Starters/Replacement Uniform:
Ties and Backpacks can be purchased through the School Shop via ParentPay. These are also available, along with the rest of the Academy uniform, from Smarty Schoolwear. The necessary branded items are as follows:
- Academy Bag
- Academy Blazer
- Academy Tie
- Academy Polo Shirt
Please see the following regarding price changes as of April 2025: Uniform Prices.
All other items can be purchased from a wide range of retailers. If you have any questions about uniform, please do contact your child’s Head of Year. Reasonable adjustments will be made for students with religious needs or disabilities.
All students are expected to have the following equipment with them every day. If they are missing something, they can purchase it from the school shop which is open before school and at break or lunch. A bundle of all stationary items can be purchased from ParentPay.
- Black/blue pens x 2
- Green pen x 2
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Sharpener
- Ruler
- Scientific calculator
- Protractor
- Glue stick
- Compass
- Highlighter
- Whiteboard and whiteboard pen
- Yondr pouch*
*Yondr pouches are provided by the school, however, a replacement will be required to be purchased via ParentPay.