Laureate Academy

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Key Information

Welcome to the Key Information Page. Here, you will find everything you need to support your child's journey at Laureate Academy. 

If you wish to contact us, please click here.


We want all children to become highly skilled readers, reading at the same age as their chronological age, whilst also developing a love of reading. Reading is hugely beneficial for all areas of student’s learning and their ability to master the curriculum.

Our reading programme consists of two main strands:

  • Reading in class
  • Reading intervention programme

Reading in class:

In all lessons students are exposed to a variety of academic texts appropriate for the subject, for example in English they will read plays and poetry, in History original historical sources and in Science they may read extracts from scientific journals. Students will be explicitly taught key vocabulary to support them in accessing these texts. 

Reading interventions:

All students are tested annually through the NGRT, national reading texts. Students with a reading age over a year below their chronological age take part in a reading intervention which aims to close the reading gap and quickly increase their reading age.

These include:

  • Lexia
  • Fresh Start Phonics
  • Flash Academy 

When students make significant progress, they will graduate to the next intervention. All students use Sparx Reader, a computer programme designed to check whether students are reading texts carefully and accurately.


We have high aspirations for all our learners and are committed to supporting all SEN students to reach their full potential. All SEN students will receive high-quality teaching from their class teacher. 

We are an inclusive school and strive to ensure students will have equitable access to the curriculum, support and school experiences. Our SEN department works closely with families, teachers and the students themselves to support students and help them overcome any barriers to learning. 

Teachers are highly trained to be able to support individual students in the classroom. The SEN team works closely with all teachers to identify needs early on and assess what interventions or specialist support is required. We monitor progress following the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review; model to ensure support is appropriately pitched, targeted and personalised.  

The SENCO works closely with the behaviour team to ensure reasonable adjustments are codified for all students.

For more information, please refer to our SEN Policy.


To keep families updated with information about students, we use the MCAS (My Child at School) app.

This app enables you to check your child’s attendance, view their timetable, demerits and house points. 

You can download the MCAS app from the Google and Apple app stores. If you are unsure how to login, please contact the school office at

School Day


Start Time 

AM Line-up 


Period 1 


Period 2 






Period 3 


Period 4 




PM line up 


Period 5 


Period 6 


End of School Day 



School Meals

The canteen offers a wide variety of food throughout the school day.

A free breakfast is available to all students every day from 8 am. Students can have porridge, toast or fresh fruit.

At break time there are a wide range of snacks from toasties to pasta pots and even edamame beans. Lunch time will see a main meal of the day with a meat and vegetarian option and takeaway pots. There are always baguettes and paninis for students to grab and go along with a fresh salad bar. 

If your child has any specific dietary or medical needs, please contact the school office.

Free School Meals:

If you are receiving any of the following benefits your child could be eligible for Free School Meals, worth £2.65 per day:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Free School Meal applications should be made online, using this link. If you have any difficulties accessing your account or with applying for Free School Meals, please contact us via email for further help or call/drop into our Reception.